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Monday, May 25, 2009

Studying in USA - Quality of Life

When I first arrived in the USA, to do my degree, there were only 9 of us. Siapa eh? Rohaimi, Aziz Mahmud, Benzin, Bahardin, Fauzi Mansor, Myself, Maheran, Hawa and Supiah. We were the first undergrads batch sponsored by M'sian Govt. All of us fresh from high school arrived after Miami was hit by Hurricane David if I am not mistaken. When we arrived at the airport, it was already nighttime, if I remember correctly, after 9pm. I called the university contact number given by the Ministry staff who sent us off at KL. To no avail, there was no answer. All of us having traveled from KL Subang, then to London Gatwick/Heathrow, and then to New York (forgot which airport) and then another connecting flight to Miami, all in all over 30 hours travelling. All lepak (flat out). Dah lah tu dalam flight from London to Miami tak makan apa pun, tired and hungry. Back to Miami airport, finally an old lady helped us and advised us to stay at one Holiday Inn hotel, and she called a cab to bring us to the hotel. The cab brought us to this hotel, and at last we managed to take our shower, rest and got some sleep. The next morning when we woke up, we suddenly realized that the Holiday Inn is in Coral Gables, just across I95 was the University of Miami. We contacted the International Office and finally we arrived at the office, and the next thing we know was we got our dormitory placement, our class schedule (we came one week late after classes has started but arrangements was done for subject registration, etc) and the next thing I know I was already in classes the next morning with Engineering Drawing, Prof. Mariem (forgot the name). I was put in Eaton Hall together with Fauzi. I took 5 subjects - chem, calculus 1, drawing, static, intro to basic programming i think. That was in Fall Semester 1979 -.... pheew that is long time ago. almost 30 years ago.

I think university life in USA - first, we got to do so many things, we have this Malaysian Students Association, in which I was President for one year,and the next year the Vice President (a senior Syed Sheikh Al Habshi ex-ITM became President). We organized dinners, gathering for new students, raya, we put up a 'Malaysian food sale - satay also available' and 'sepak takraw display' during the International week. The Malaysian volleyball team in which I also played entered the university tournament but we managed to enter only secong round.

America is such a big country, and traveling is fun and easy. The highway is free, that's why they call it freeway. We managed to travel from Miami to Los Angeles by car and went up to San Francisco, and through the Midwest till Illinois, and back to Miami. It took us, I don't know, I forgot, 12 days all in all. It was exciting , and you know, every signboard that we can find such "welcome to Mexico" or "University of ...' we will stop to take a picture. It was great. I will continue when time permits.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Pemimpin Berkualiti

Apabila kita sudah jadi boss, kadang-kadang kita lupa bahawa kita dulu juga seorang junior staff. Contohnya, sebelum jadi Manager, katalah Production Department, kita mesti mula dari Engineer, entah level apa, mungkin 1 ke 2, ke, pokoknya junior lah. Umur mungkin 20'an. Sama juga untuk pensyarah, kita mula dari bawah, dulu Penolong Pensyarah A, dapat Master dapat naik jawatan Pensyarah, dan lepas PhD cuba cuba mohon dapat naik jawatan Profesor Madya dan kalau rezeki murah seterusnya naik Professor. Itu jawatan hakiki, tapi dalam universiti ada jawatan pentadbiran, seperti Ketua Makmal, Ketua Jabatan, Timbalan Dekan, Dekan, hingga ke atas sekali yang digelar NC. Apa yang saya nak cerita ni?

Saya cuma ingin sampaikan luahan orang bawahan tentang ketidaktentuan polisi dan arahan yang tidak disedari sentiasa bertukar-tukar. saya sangat simpati dan faham 'their predicaments'. Kita ambil satu contoh. Perkara Lanjut Pengajian Peringkat Master dan Phd. Ada universiti membuat polisi macam ini:
1. Penolong Pensyarah buat master lepas tu balik dan join queue untuk sambung phd
bidang itu perlu menepati keperluan umum universiti, ada interview dan ada 'JK' Cuti Belajar luluskan. Master by course work pun boleh, by research pun boleh
2. Lepas tu selang beberapa purnama, ok, Pergi Master ke luar negara boleh tapi selain dari UK, Australia dan New Zealand.
3. Kena buat Master by research pasal kita nak jadi research university.
4. Tak boleh buat overseas , buat dalam negeri by research
5. dan pelbagai macam cara, polisi, itu tak masuk IELTS, TOEFL, BTN, entah apa lagi

Ini belum cerita pasal proses permohonan naik pangkat. Standards dia berubah-ubah dan tak tahulah apa akan jadi akan datang. Ada satu law di universiti . Saya panggil law itu "Shariff' s Law (Prof shariff is now retired from university but he still consults us a lot and he ws Dean when I joined UTM 20 years ago). The law is this. "Things will NEVER get easier in university". During his times, orang pergi PhD boleh hingga 6 tahun, lepas tu disingkatkan 4 tahun. Ok, fine, ruling itu perlu untuk memantapkan keperluan Universiti dan costs. Apa yang saya lontarkan .. Ramai Ketua lupa bahwa mereka dulu nobody , macam orang miskin lupa asal usal dia...' you need to be sensitive to the needs of the staff' . Listen to your internal customers. Cuba buat - Employee Satisfaction Index, tanpa campur tangan dan lihat sejauhmana 'you adminstrators are being seen as 'management doing a good job'. Kadang-kadang sedih yang senior staff at top level bukan tidak ada pengetahuan management (maybe tak de kot), the way they act, speak for themselves. Remember when you are the top, people can see and will remember all your steps , people have the opportunity to 'evalaute' and 'ponder' upon your words, actions, body language, . and also, please remember, SIDDIQ, AMANAH, TABLIGH, FATANAH. Ingat - semua kita ini pemimpin, dan kita akan dipertanggungjawabkan dengan pimpinan kita. Buat saya, saya tetap saya, saya akan teruskan luahan dan prinsip yang saya pegang hingga saya dapat survive 'managing people' lebih 25 tahun. Saya akan balance kehidupan 'work' and 'family' and ' self'. Saya doakan keamanan dan ketenteraman anda.

Monday, May 18, 2009


After finishing my degree from Miami USA, I came back to Malaysia. Many of the people I met will always tell me "Best lah Miami". Well, it is a holiday destination but if you are thinkingabout the beach it is actually quite far (at least to us students at that time) about 30 miles from our campus. We only get to go to the beach after examinations. I am not going to talk about Miami, but my experience in visiting and living in Japan.
The return flight to Malaysia from Miami, Los Angeles took us to Narita airport near Tokyo. That was in May 1983. Our group had to stopover in Tokyo, and it was such an experience. First, I find the people don't speak English, they are very polite people. I remembered bila nak makan kat restaurant kat situ kena draw ikan.. nak draw benda lain takut nanti entah apa dia bagi makan. So the best bet is to eat fish. The next day bus was arranged to bring us to Airport. One more thing I remembered was that the airport was heavily guarded by army all around the perimeter of the airport. I know that it was a new airport built on rice field and the farmers were protesting to the opening of this new airport. Anyway, the fear is there when you are on foreign land. Next day reach KL , home sweet home. But, I fell in love with Japan from that short stopover. I told myself may be if I have chance I will go to Japan or stay there.

In between May and Spetember 1983, I was contemplating of either going to Japan under the Malaysian National Car Project training at Mitsubishi Motors Corporation with the order to report to Kementerian Pelajaran for appointment as Polytechnic Lecturer, the sponsor for my studies. I told myself that I want to practice first as engineer. So, I broke the contract and 'kena saman dengan KP'. In the meantime, I was also applying for Penolong Pensyarah at UTM, I was interviewed by Tan Sri Ainuddin Wahid. I got the job but I did not get KP release. Or the release came a bit too late, in fact one week after I left for Osaka, Japan. My mom called me and asked me to come back. I didn't want to since I was already in Japan starting to learn Japanese and enjoying the new language and the new country. It was early October 1983. I decided to continue with Japan and Proton, which is my first employer. Pergi Jepun kena sign contract 5 tahun ooh. I still remember, asking Kakak Rozlina who was taking care of us P2 trainees (13 of us) to go to Japan. Nak sign ke contract .. finally sign jugak. So Japan here I come.

The first 6 weeks was spent on studying Nihon Go. Mainichi Nihon Go O Benkyo shimasu. Taihen Muzukahi saisho ni, Mainichi sanju no tango o oboimashita. shiken mo maininchi ga arimasu. sore wa taihen ne. Shikashi Ganbattemasu. Issyokenme yarimasu. Sore o Nihon no kangae-kata. (Translation - Enam minggu pertama belajar Nihon Go -bahasa Jepun. Tiap hari belajar bahasa Jepun. Susah betul mula-mula. Tiap hari 30 perkataan kena hafal, ujian pun tiap hari, itu yang sakit tu, Tetapi Cekal dan Usaha. Buat dengan sungguh-sungguh. Itu lah cara fikir Jepun)

After that we were sent to Mitsubishi Mizushima, terus ke dalam kilang kereta dan memang belajar buat kereta dari A sampai (hampir) Z. Macam orang gila, belajar buat kereta dalam bahasa Jepun dalam masa satu tahun. Inilah pet project Mahathir. Me and my friend Aris in Body Assembling / welding had to learn as fast as possible all the things so that when we go back we can transfer that knowledge to our Malaysian workers through training, education and operations.

Japan is such a wonderful country, except may be for some of its problems like suicide. Well, tell me if there is a country with no problems. I just admire the people. They have values which are 'very Islamic' yet they are not Muslims. We are Muslims but we have 'non Islamic values'. I think Hassan Al Banna saw this same phenomena in foreign country he visited or studied. Lessons learnt is to learn and pick up values from different cultures. Wallahu 'alam

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kualiti Individu Muslim

Kualiti seorang insan dalam Islam sangat jelas. Ia berpaksikan atas iman, 'amal, taqwa dan ihsan. Beriman atas 6 perkara dalah wajib dimana ia menjadi batu asas atau 'foundation' sebelum apa-apa perbuatan tindakan kerja dan 'amal soleh dapat dilakukan. Percaya kepada Allah bermaksud keyakinan Ketauhidan Pencipta, Pemerintah, Penguasa, dan Raja Di Dunia ini dan Di Yaumul Akhirah. Keyakinan akan perkara ghaib termasuk percaya hari akhirat, malaikat, 'qada dan qadar, adanya rasul (memang ghaib pasal kita tak dapat bertemu Nabi Muhammad, Nabi Isa, Nabi Ibrahim - tetapi kita yakin mereka itu telah wujud satu ketika dahulu untuk menyampaikan risalah Islam dan tauhid) dan kitab termasuk Quran. Rukun iman 6 perkara. Iman itu asas atau fundamental.

Lepas tu kualiti insan akan dapat diukur dengan melihat sejauh mana dia beramal dan yang pokok dan utama adalah melaksanakan Rukun Islam yang Lima itu. Kita wajib Ucap dua kalimah syahadah bukan ucap saja tapi yakin seyakin-yakin 'La Ila ha Illallah Muhammadurasullullah - Tidak Ada Tuhan Melainkan Dia Allah Sahaja dan Muhammad itu PesuruhNya) . Kualiti insan Islam yang paling utama harus diberi perhatian hari ini dalam masyarakat kita adalah dalam bab / perkara mengerjakan Solat 5 waktu sehari semalam. Subuh, Zuhur, Asar, Maghrib dan Isyak . Ini yang sedang di hadapi oleh anak kita, diri kita, adik beradik kita, kawan-kawan kita. Solat ini jika ditinggal, kita akan ditimpa musibah, kita akan mendapat 'azab, cahaya akan hilang dari muka orang yang tidak solat. Itu tak cerita lagi balasan neraka. Minta jauh lah.. Marilah kita bertaubat. mari kita nasihat menasihati satu sama lain.
Jangan kita jadi antara orang yang lalai tinggalkan solat. Jangan kita leka dengan keindahan material dunia yang penuh dengan hiburan, 'shopping mall', kedai-makan, futsal, kereta modified kita, hatta kerja kita di pejabat yang terlalu banyak dan mendesak hingga kita alpa. Jangan langgar waktu solat contohnya Zuhr dipejabat. Asar di dalam kereta terperangkap sesak jalan, terutamanya di KL ini. Apa kata kita rancang waktu solat Asar sebelum balik. Maghrib dan Isyak why not solat kat Masjid dekat rumah.. Ada hadith kata 'Tidak dikira solat (dirumah) bagi mereka yang berjiran dengan masjid. Maknanya kena solat di masjid/surau. Marilah kita penuhkan Masjid dan Surau dengan solat berjumaah (kaum adamlah aula). Ganjarannya 27 kali ganda, tak mahu ke, pahala 'bonus'. Jangan nak minta bonus hujung tahun aje. Saya rasa solat ini sangat penting... dan sama-sama kita ingat mengingati.

Rukun Islam zakat, puasa, dan haji... Haji , susah nak cerita. kena pergi sendiri. Seronok dan 'sedap' nya haji itu. Ia adalah pengorbanan jiwa, harta dan masa. Duit banyak dalam bank, kereta besar boleh beli, rumah besar boleh beli, kenapa tak pergi haji.. Pergilah pergilah.. nescaya kita akan dapat sesuatu yang luarbiasa, dan mesti sentiasa doa agar Allah sentiasa beri kita petunjuk dalam mencari keredaanNya. Nak masuk Syurga itu bukan atas berapa banyaknya 'amal tetapi ia adalah dari reda Allah. Kalau Allah reda dengan 'amalan kita walau sedikit pun.... tapi syarat kena buatlah semua seperti Solat 5x.... Syurga itu milik Allah. Jadi, jangan kita solat untuk syurga, kita solat kerana kita Hamba ... 'Aisha pernah bertanya Rasullullah kenapa Baginda masih juga solat malam hingga bengkak kakinya, padahal baginda maksum.. ..dan baginda juga beristighfar kurang-kurang 70 kali sehari semalam... Baginda jawab ' Apakah tidak boleh aku jadi Hamba yang Syukur".. Itu Nabi tuan-tuan.. gerenti syurga. saya pesan pada diri saya juga, Insaplah, tingkatkan 'amalan, dan saya pesan kepada pembaca blog ini dan kawan semua, doakan moga kita semua mendapat taufik hidayah dan juga mendapat penghabisan yang baik (husnul khotimah) dalam penghidupan kita. Amin.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tugas Headboy SMSJ 1978

I have been writing serious stuffs until now. I think I should actually tell my life story. Randomly. In term of time and event. I will write about my Form 5 experience in Sains Johor, SMSJ. I was actually the Head prefect , the first head boy (Saadiah Ahmad was the Head Girl) selected from the Form 5. I remembered that year there was no Upper Six. So, the HM, at that time Cikgu Hamzah Rashid appointed me as HB and Sudin (Shamsuddin Md Dom) the Secretary. We were seen as the 'bad guys' by the students just because we had to enforce all rulings in this boarding school. Common 'kesalahan' was curi barang, hisap rokok, bising masa prep, apa lagi, etc. I remembered every Sunday during assembly, I have to stand in front of everybody, I will shout "Sekolah. Baris Sedia" when the HM enter the school hall. There was 'public caning' at that time. I don't remember now who got the whack. There are things that you tend to forget because you 'forgive and forget' not keeping in the heart or 'dendam' business. To me I was doing my job, as best as I can, and if I need to scold anyopne I will do so. Thousand apologies. One thing I remembered till today is during prefect meeting, I think I went overboard and scolded especially the Girls Prefect, (for not doing their job well) this I will apologise , Fati, Hafizah, who else, I know that I was 'garang' at that time. In fact I am also at times garang till today but have mellowed a lot. I learned the hard way of being a leader at a very young age. But, I have no regrets because I have been given many opportunities to lead throughout my life in undergraduate, and in my career. I thank SMSJ for giving me that chance.
There are also stories which I will not forget, such as being reprimanded by Cikgu Hamzah Rashid about 'why students are wearing 'tudung', why this dakwah movement?' If you all remembered masa kita form 5 dulu kita sangat ketagihkan ilmu Islam, so we seek to find truth and we found it. As Headboy, I have to defend some girls for putting on 'tudung'. Anyone remembered the HM asking some of them to remove it, Hafizah ingat? Myself and Sudin pergi mengadap HM dan terpaksa backing pelajar. In fact I questioned him back, 'Apa salahnya pakai tudung - tutup aurat" He did not answer. Probably he was in a position where the authorities (Kementerian) need some answers as to why the dakwah movement is getting much interests.....

to be continued

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hari Anugerah Cemerlang UTM

Today UTM had its Citra Karisma. Well it is the Anugerah Kecemerlangan for staff at at levels, as well as in recognition of achievements in various aspects in a university including publication, consultancy, research, teaching, sports, community service, safety, IT, and the ultimate Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor (AKNC). I was invited to the occasion not that I received an award but as one of the member for evaluating the AKNC. Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah (PSZ) was declared the winner and I think they deserved it.
Reward and recognition is part of the process to achieve organizational excellence. People, whether individuals or as teams/unit/faculty must be given due recognition. I am proud that my Faculty of Mechanical Engineering emerged as winner for Anugerah Penerbitan, FKKKSA has always been our close rival for this award. Congratulations to all award and also to FKM.