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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Business and Organizational Excellence

What do you mean by Business Excellence? The idea of Business Excellence within the context of quality mangement resulted from advances and compilation of concepts and philosophies that demand organizations to become, not only profitable, but excellent in everything they do. In their struggle to deliver, produce and provide high quality products, services, or projects, organizations must capitalize on the limited resources that they have or will obtain. They must use/work on/employ/deploy their resources to ensure continuity and sustainability (i.e. survive and the intiatives continue to work).

One important resource or asset is the people. Not only companies must locate, select , recruit the talents from the global pool of human beings, they must provide the avenue and opportunities that the talented workers are able to perform at the level desired by the organization, producing the desired outcomes, results, performance, as agreed by the parties involved. And at the same time providing a caring and emotionally stable environment which the person can work.

I was in Port Dickson on Saturday and Sunday 25th and 26th April 2009, participating in a workshop on a new Master of Science in Engineering Business Management programme with industry and academics brainstorming (with some heated arguments) about the subject matters, the contents, the outcomes and the expected product out of the program. When discussing about the program outcomes, one guy from Proton pointed out the need to incorporate the soft elements missing in many academic programmes. It is about injecting the elements of not only IQ but EQ, SQ and CQ in the programme. How it will be done is another matter (or another workshop), but they must be taken into account. The industry is telling the academia that we need to put EQ and SQ in our engineering business subjects/modules. Technical matters are already enough, managerial issues are more than sufficient. We need the 'human inner elements' through the inculcation of ethics, moral, integrity, spiritual, emotional values and principles to the leaders and managers so as to ensure sustainability of business and organizational excellence. This is the critical success factor. Greed has destroyed the US economy and infected all countries including our beloved country, Malaysia.

In short, Business Excellence is not only technology, management related but most importantly the 'INSAN' and 'IHSAN' as defined in the teachings of Islam. Think about it..... or Read about it.

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