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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Design Quality into Goods and Services

Quality in design means ensuring you have captured and incorporate all your customer needs from your products and services. Customer can be internal, external, user, maintenance people, public authorities, enforcing agencies/bodies, etc. Quality must be built during design stage. Design must ensure products are 'easy' to be produced, 'easy' to be checked and inspected, easy nice, fun, good for the user to use, and does not pose major problems (safety, usability, performance, etc) to all people who will come into contact throughout the life of the product/goods/services. Maintenance and after sales personnel must be able to disassemble and reassemble the components/systems of the products easily and time desired. Spare parts to replace broken or damaged components must also be made available so that repair time is shortened and customer is happy.

I don't buy a car to be put at the service centres for repair or waiting for spare parts to reach before repair work can be done.
Design for manufacturability is an aspect needed to be learned and applied by engineers. Construction industry has not advanced much in term of design for constructability since a number of infrastructure projects have faced with structural and quality defects even after it has been used for quite some time. The MRR highway in KL is a case in point that I can remember.

My suggestion is Think about How to Build Quality INTO all our Artifacts/Products/ and Services. It is difficult, I know, but, tell me what is easy in life?


kembara kelana said...

hello HB
terima kasih pelawa aku jadi contributor untk blog kau..happy blogging

sha'ri said...

Terima kasih, 'buah cempedak diluar pagar, buah durian ditepi jalan, aku budak baru nak belajar, kalau tak tahu tolong bagi panduan"