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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Quality in health

I just recovered from dengue fever. I was hospitalized from Monday 19th Jan till Sunday 25th January 2009, confirmed one of the 1200+ dengue cases in Selangor. Where I live? Batu 12 Jln Cheras Kajang. There seems to be no medicine for dengue, only this 'water' drips into my body and the '100Plus drink' which I took a lot. My lowest platelet count went down to 11,000 on Wednesday in between a count of 18k, 23k, moving up to 54k on Friday, 100k on Saturday, and 160k on Sunday. How I got it? I don't know. I can only guess. Long story short, I just moved in to my wife's late father's house after some minor repair works on the piping and roofing. The kampung house has a big yard in front of it, and the old fence is grown with 'lalang' and other growth. I just want to clean it up, but I forgot that mosquitoes come out during 'senja' time. Well, as what we Malays / Muslim say, 'dah nak kena', . This dengue is nothing to be played around with. It is dangerous, and I can still feel how weak my body was when I was in hospital. The dirty drains, I can't find dirty drains, the 'air bertakung' none. But, I did notice the guy who did the fogging on the Thurdsday evening before I got the fever, fogging intensely in one of the 'longkang pecah' in the main road. That night, there were many mosquitoes in the house. I think they have 'disturbed' the mosquitoes nest and set free to attack as many people as possible. I was one of the unlucky victim. Anyway, I have somewhat recovered, and I am now (at least in this moment of time) very conscious (read as afraid) of mosquitoes, and also the unkempt bushes and growths surrounding homes and all premises. I guess, the government must also try and do their part by 'fixing the broken drains, pipings, etc. Local authiorities must organise health campaign and 'gotong royong' to clean our living space. And, also please get rid of all the foreign illegal immigrants as they are a menace and nuisance to our society. They don't care, they are here to 'just make money', we 'have to make a living and make our life livable'. As for me I will ensure that quality of environment will always be assured to ensure quality of life and healthy Malaysian citizens.


Al-Manar said...

Chance has brought me to your blog. Specialising in quality, technical or otherwise, is interesting. That you are in fact lecturing on this subject gives an added rating.
I wonder whether quality in teaching has been a subject of concern at a university or a school. Have you been involved in any projects that focus on quality in teaching? I can only imagine that certain ministries, education in particular, are very concerned over the effectiveness of lecturers and teachers. I am afraid I have a very poor opinion of the quality of management at many schools at large and of the quality of teaching. Perhaps you would consider a posting on this some time

sha'ri said...

InsyaAllah, I will give my thoughts on this difficult issue.